A Public Inquiry into Insecurity and Human Rights in Kenya

11 November 2016

The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) is undertaking a public inquiry on Insecurity in the Coast Region and its Impact on the Enjoyment of Human Rights and Freedoms.

Evidence for the public inquiry has been gathered in the Coast Region with submissions directly to the KNCHR either at the public hearings or at the in-camera sessions. The KNCHR also invited other entities such as the duty- bearers in the National and County Governmentsā€™ ministries, departments and agencies, business entities and non-state actors such as the civil society, faith based organizations, and various community groups within the Coast Region.

The hearings are hinged on stakeholdersā€™ forums, community dialogue meetings, community empowerment forums, investigations into reported human rights violations, witness interviews, statements recording and consultative meetings.

Key themes that have emerged and that will be articulated during the hearings include:

  1. Violation of land rights;
  2. Extra judicial Killings;
  3. Enforced disappearances;
  4. Drug abuse;
  5. Mushrooming of criminal gangs;
  6. Harassment and assault by security officers;
  7. Corruption and extortion by the security agencies;
  8. Animal-human Conflict;
  9. Terrorism profiling and intimidation;
  10. Political interferences and electoral violence; and
  11. Inter- ethnic conflict and tension.

The Coast Region public inquiry on insecurity seeks to:

  • Respond to the systemic nature of insecurity that has been identified in the past;
  • Audit the effects and impact of insecurity on the enjoyment of human rights and freedoms; and
  • Make recommendations on steps to secure appropriate redress and the structures that may be needed to tighten the security situation in the larger Coast Region.

The findings, results and recommendations shall be published and shared with key and relevant players in both public and private institutions for remedial action. The KNCHR shall further submit the report with the recommendations to the National Assembly and the President with a view to inform reforms especially in the security sector.

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